Our services

circular economy

Jätteet ja sivuvirrat

waste and side streams

We have carried out a large number of surveys on the use of side streams for a variety of companies. We can tailor concepts to utilize side streams in your company or in a larger entity of various stakeholders. 

Jätteet ja sivuvirrat

energy and water audits

We identify critical factors (equipment and functions) in your company’s energy consumption, and prepare an energy saving plan with suggestions for improved energy efficiency. We guide companies in energy and water efficiency, and in the assessment of their impact on carbon footprint.


energy and water audits

We identify critical factors (equipment and functions) in your company’s energy consumption, and prepare an energy saving plan with suggestions for improved energy efficiency. We guide companies in energy and water efficiency, and in the assessment of their impact on carbon footprint.



Ympäristövaikutukset ja -luvat

environmental impacts and permits

We have been involved in dozens of environmental permits and provide expert services throughout the whole permission process from application to finalizing the permit. We offer expertise in replacing harmful substances in products with less harmful ones, and conduct recommendations to promote eco-labeled or otherwise environmentally friendly products and raw materials. We also assist you in optimization of logistics, and in REACH and ROHS related matters.  


commercialization and financing


starting a company and financing

 We will help you to gain public and private finance. In addition, we aid in starting a business and making business plans, pitching materials, investment materials, and preparing legal documents.




Creating and commercializing innovations requires various reviews, plans and calculations. With years of experience, we provide versatile commercialization services including market surveys, business ecosystem analyses, pre-engineering plans, feasibility studies, concept design and patent documents.



Creating and commercializing innovations requires various reviews, plans and calculations. With years of experience, we provide versatile commercialization services including market surveys, business ecosystem analyses, pre-engineering plans, feasibility studies, concept design and patent documents.




research services for companies

We help you publish and disseminate research results effectively. We conduct literature reviews, summarize scientific reports, and evaluate the impact and exploitation potential of research results using scientific literature. We also coordinate and design research projects, including design of experiments and response surface modelling.


management of risks in business and processes

Ympäristövaikutukset ja -luvat

Due Diligence and SWOT

We have conducted more than 30 Due Diligence surveys and numerous SWOT analyzes of e.g. biogas plants and wastewater treatment plants. We offer extensive legal, technical, and environmental Due Diligence services. 


Due Diligence and SWOT

We have conducted more than 30 Due Diligence surveys and numerous SWOT analyzes of e.g. biogas plants and wastewater treatment plants. We offer extensive legal, technical, and environmental Due Diligence services.



carbon footprint


climate indicator

Calculation of carbon footprint for your company

Our Climate Indicator service offers companies the opportunity to evaluate the climate impact of their own production or other operations. Our service includes calculating the carbon footprint of a product, product group, or production in accordance with a customer-specific agreement, using the calculated computing values and reliable software.

We also offer expertise on ways to reduce the carbon footprint especially via energy usage and valorization of side streams. For more information on the service, please contact Dr. Sanna Taskila at sanna.taskila(a)macon.fi.

legal services


cooperation with law firm kpf

We cooperate with KPF Law Office and provide our clients with a wide range of legal services. We serve you in a variety of business-related issues and produce contracts such as share issue documents. 


cooperation with law firm KPF

 We cooperate with KPF Law Office and provide our clients with a wide range of legal services. We serve you in a variety of business-related issues and produce contracts such as share issue documents. 



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90520 Oulu, Finland


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Luotettava Kumppani
Macon Oy

Teknologiantie 18, 90590 Oulu, Finland



Mikko +358 40 502 5249

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